Substitutes for Media Crema

Media Crema, a staple ingredient in various dishes, is a thick, rich, and creamy dairy product. With its velvety texture and subtle flavor, it enhances the taste and consistency of soups, sauces, and even desserts. However, it can be challenging to find in some grocery stores, or you might have specific dietary restrictions that prevent you from using it.

Fear not, as there are numerous substitutions available that can surely match or even surpass the qualities of Media Crema. These alternatives may differ in texture, flavor, and nutritional content, but they can yield similarly delicious results when used in your favorite dishes. Exploring these substitutes can also open up a world of possibilities, as you can creatively adapt your recipes and discover new culinary techniques.

Regardless of the reason, being well-informed about these substitutes and their appropriate uses can help elevate your cooking game while catering to your preferences and dietary requirements.

What is Media Crema

Media crema, a dairy product widely used in Mexican and South American cuisine, is a versatile ingredient in many recipes. Its consistency falls between whole milk and heavy cream, making it a perfect addition to various dishes such as soups, sauces, and desserts. In this section, we will dive into the properties and uses of media crema as well as explore suitable substitutes you can use in your cooking.

Media crema, also known as table cream, originates from South America and is popular in Mexican cuisine. It is prized for its rich and creamy texture, which adds depth and creaminess to recipes without overpowering the flavors of other ingredients. It is often used in savory dishes like enchiladas, chilaquiles, and green chili, as well as sweet treats like flan and tres leches cake. Incorporating media crema into your culinary creations adds a touch of indulgence, while also contributing to the overall balance of flavors.

Although media crema is a beloved ingredient in South American and Mexican cooking, it may not be readily available everywhere. In such cases, substituting it with an alternative can be necessary. When choosing a substitute, it is essential to find one that closely mimics media crema’s consistency and flavor profile without altering the dish you are preparing. Several dairy products can be used as possible alternatives, such as half-and-half, whole milk, sour cream, or even a combination of milk and cream.

In the end, understanding the various uses and characteristics of media crema can help you make better decisions when substituting it in your recipes. Whether you’re living in a location where this versatile dairy product is unavailable or simply looking to try something new in the kitchen, you can confidently experiment with alternatives to create delicious, authentic, and harmonious dishes.

Characteristics of Media Crema

Media Crema is a popular ingredient in various recipes, particularly in Latin American and European dishes. As you use media crema, it’s essential to understand its flavor, consistency, texture, and fat content. This knowledge would help you find appropriate substitutes when necessary.

The flavor of Media Crema is neutral, with a slight hint of sweetness. It complements both sweet and savory dishes without altering their taste. This versatility makes it a go-to choice for many recipes.

When it comes to consistency, Media Crema has a semi-viscous, creamy texture that adds a velvety richness to sauces, soups, and desserts. Its smoothness also enhances the mouthfeel of dishes, providing a luxurious experience on your palate.

The texture of Media Crema is indeed smooth, making it an excellent addition to various recipes. As it melds seamlessly with other ingredients, Media Crema becomes a perfect choice for finishing sauces or balancing flavors in both sweet and savory dishes.

One important aspect to consider is the fat content in Media Crema. Its fat content can vary between 20% and 25%. This moderate fat content is a key factor in providing the creaminess without being overly heavy. It also contributes to the rich mouthfeel when combined with other ingredients.

In conclusion, understanding the characteristics of Media Crema – its neutral yet mildly sweet flavor, semi-viscous consistency, silky texture, and moderate fat content – allows you to make an informed decision when selecting suitable substitutes for your recipes. Appreciating these aspects will also guide you in creating delightful and sumptuous dishes that feature the unique attributes of this versatile cream.

Culinary Uses of Media Crema

Media crema is a versatile ingredient that can enhance the flavor and texture of various dishes. In both sweet and savory dishes, its creamy richness adds depth and a velvety finish. You can use media crema in various ways to elevate your cooking skills.

One of the most common uses of media crema is in soups and stews. Adding a dollop of media crema to your favorite soup or stew can enhance its taste, making it richer and creamier. You can also use it as a base for savory sauces that pair well with meat and vegetables. For example, you can create a luxurious sauce for pasta or tacos using media crema, or use it as a topping for baked potatoes or grilled vegetables.

Media crema is a popular ingredient in Mexican dishes such as enchiladas, chiles rellenos, and sopes. It can add creaminess to the texture of these savory foods and provide a delicious contrast to the spices used in these recipes. When making tacos, adding a drizzle of media crema on top of your filling can improve both texture and flavor.

In the realm of desserts, media crema can be used to make luscious cakes and pastries. With its smooth consistency, it makes an excellent base for custards and puddings. It can also be whipped and used as a frosting for cakes or as a light and creamy filling for bread, croissants, or other baked goods.

Finally, if you ever run out of media crema or need a substitute, there are several options available. You can opt for heavy cream, half-and-half, whole milk, or sour cream, depending on the desired consistency and taste. Just keep in mind that each substitute may alter the final result of your dish, so it’s important to choose the most suitable one for your specific recipe.

Overall, media crema is a versatile and valuable ingredient to have in your culinary arsenal. Its creamy richness can enhance the flavor and texture of various dishes, both sweet and savory, making it an ideal choice for experimenting with new recipes or elevating your favorite dishes.

Noteworthy Substitutes for Media Crema

Finding a suitable substitute for media crema can be quite simple. With a few easily accessible options, you can replicate the creamy richness of media crema in your recipes. In this section, we will discuss some of the best substitutes.

Heavy cream is a versatile and widely available option. It has a similar texture and flavor to media crema, making it an ideal choice. You can whip it to the desired consistency, or even add a touch of sugar and vanilla extract to create a sweeter flavor if needed.

Here are some other substitutes to consider:

  • Crème fraîche: This French cream offers a subtle tanginess and velvety texture, making it a great media crema substitute. Simply whisk it to achieve the desired consistency and incorporate it into your dishes.
  • Sour cream: With a similar tang to crème fraîche, sour cream can provide the creaminess and acidity that media crema brings to recipes. To avoid curdling, be sure to mix it well and add it at the end of your recipes.
  • Greek yogurt: For a lower-fat alternative, Greek yogurt can be an excellent option. It has a thick and creamy texture that works well in place of media crema. You may want to mix it in advance to achieve a smoother consistency.
  • Cream cheese: Softened cream cheese can be used as a substitute for media crema in certain recipes. What it may lack in acidity, it makes up for in its smooth, creamy texture. Just keep in mind that the recipe may turn out thicker than with other substitutes.

Table of the substitutes and their characteristics:

Heavy CreamCreamyMild
Crème FraîcheVelvetyTangy
Sour CreamCreamyTangy
Greek YogurtThickMild
Cream CheeseSmoothMild

Depending on the recipe, some of these substitutes may work better than others. It is crucial to consider the taste and texture you wish to achieve before making your choice. With any of these options, your dishes will maintain their creamy and delicious qualities while providing a suitable alternative to media crema.

Dairy-Based Substitutes

Evaporated Milk

Evaporated milk can be a good alternative to media crema in many recipes. It has a similar consistency and richness, though it may be slightly less thick. To use evaporated milk as a substitute, simply replace the media crema with an equal amount of evaporated milk.

Sour Cream

Sour cream is another dairy-based option for substituting media crema. Its tangy flavor adds a new dimension to dishes, and its consistency is similar to that of media crema. Replace media crema with sour cream on a one-to-one basis in your recipes.

Heavy Cream

Heavy cream, also known as heavy whipping cream, contains a higher percentage of butterfat, making it a richer and creamier alternative to media crema. You can use heavy cream as a one-to-one substitute in your recipes for a thicker, more luxurious result.

Double Cream

For an even richer option, double cream has a higher butterfat content than heavy cream, and a thicker consistency. However, it may not be as readily available in all locations. Use double cream as a one-to-one substitute for media crema, but be mindful of the potential impact on the overall taste and texture of your dish due to its increased richness.


Half-and-half, a mixture of milk and cream, is a lighter alternative to media crema. While it might not have the same thickness, it can still be used in recipes that call for a creamy texture. Substitute half-and-half for media crema on a one-to-one basis, but be aware that the consistency may be slightly thinner.

Whipping Cream

Whipping cream is similar in consistency to media crema, containing a slightly lower butterfat content than heavy cream, but higher than half-and-half. It can be whipped into a fluffy texture or used as-is in recipes that call for media crema. Substitute whipping cream directly for media crema on a one-to-one basis.

Heavy Whipping Cream

Heavy whipping cream is simply another name for heavy cream. It can be used interchangeably with media crema, providing a richer and creamier texture. As with heavy cream, use heavy whipping cream as a one-to-one substitute for media crema in your recipes.

Sweet Substitutes

Condensed Milk

Condensed milk can be a great substitute for media crema when you’re looking for a sweeter alternative. Typically, condensed milk is made by evaporating regular milk and adding sugar to create a thick, sweet syrup. It is commonly used in desserts, such as pie fillings, and can bring added sweetness to your recipes. To use condensed milk as a substitute for media crema, simply replace equal parts of media crema with condensed milk in your recipe. However, if you’re looking to keep the sugar levels down, consider using a no-added-sugar version of condensed milk.

Whipped Cream

Another sweet substitute for media crema is whipped cream. To make whipped cream, you only need heavy cream and a sweetener like sugar. Whisk the heavy cream until it reaches a thick, fluffy consistency, and then gently fold in the sugar or other sweetener of your choice. This light and airy option adds a different texture to your dishes compared to media crema, making it an interesting alternative.

When using whipped cream as a swap for media crema, remember that it has a lighter consistency, so it’s best used for recipes where a thicker consistency isn’t crucial. Moreover, when making whipped cream, you can control the level of sweetness by adjusting the amount of sugar or other sweeteners added. This flexibility allows you to cater your recipes to your specific taste preferences, giving you a truly customized dish.

Alternative Substitutes

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is a creamy and versatile substitute for Media Crema. It’s an excellent choice for those who prefer a vegan or dairy-free option. Coconut milk is high in healthy saturated fats and has a rich, smooth texture. To use coconut milk as a substitute, simply replace the same amount of Media Crema with equal quantities of coconut milk in your recipes. Keep in mind that the coconut flavor can be more pronounced, but it can work well in dishes that already have a hint of tropical or Southeast Asian flair.

Greek Yogurt

Another great alternative to Media Crema is Greek yogurt. It offers a thicker and creamier consistency compared to regular yogurt, making it an ideal substitute in various recipes. Greek yogurt is also high in protein and lower in fat, which can be a healthier option for those watching their calorie intake. To substitute Greek yogurt for Media Crema, you can use a 1:1 ratio; however, if you find the yogurt’s tangy taste too strong, try mixing it with a bit of milk or cream to lessen the acidity.

Keep in mind that both coconut milk and Greek yogurt may slightly change the taste and texture of your dishes, but they are effective alternatives to Media Crema. Experimenting with these substitutes can help you find the right balance of flavors and consistency to suit your preferences and dietary needs.

Using Substitutes in Recipes

When you’re cooking and find yourself without media crema, don’t fret. There are various substitutes that you can use in your recipes to achieve similar results. Make note of the dishes you’re preparing, as certain substitutes pair better with specific dishes.

For dessert recipes, heavy cream is an ideal substitute. Its rich and velvety texture works well when making whipped cream, mousses, and custards. Simply whip the heavy cream until you reach the desired thickness, and incorporate it into your recipe as needed. If your dessert calls for a lighter cream, use half-and-half or whole milk instead.

In savory dishes, sour cream is a popular alternative. Its tangy flavor enhances stews, soups, and sauces while providing a similar creaminess to media crema. To use sour cream as a substitute, mix in equal parts with your chosen liquid, such as broth or milk, and adjust the seasoning as necessary.

Another versatile option is cream cheese. This substitute adds a rich, indulgent taste to both sweet and savory recipes. For sweeter dishes, make sure to choose a plain or slightly sweetened variety of cream cheese, while a tangy type works best for savory recipes. Incorporate the cream cheese into your sauce or dessert by gently melting and stirring it.

When selecting cream as a substitute, here are a few tips to follow:

  • Heavy cream: best for desserts and thick sauces
  • Half-and-half: suitable for light desserts and creamy sauces
  • Whole milk: a good choice for recipes that require only a small amount of creaminess

Remember to consider the texture and flavor profile of your chosen substitute when deciding what to use in your dish. By being mindful of the type of cream substitute you’re using, you’ll be able to create delicious recipes that will have your guests asking for seconds.

Thickening Substitutes

When you need a substitute for media crema, it’s important to consider the desired thickness of your dish. You have several options at your disposal to effectively thicken your recipe while still achieving a similar flavor profile. Below are some of the most common thickening substitutes you can use.

Heavy Cream: A popular choice for thickening, heavy cream boasts a rich flavor and smooth texture. To keep your dish from becoming too heavy, try using half the amount of heavy cream as you would media crema. If needed, you can always add more to achieve the desired consistency.

Sour Cream: Another option is to replace media crema with sour cream. Its tangy flavor and creamy consistency make it a suitable alternative. Keep in mind that sour cream is thicker than media crema, so you may need to adjust the amount used according to your recipe requirements.

Cornstarch: To maintain a neutral flavor but still achieve the desired thickness, you can opt for cornstarch. Mix a teaspoon of cornstarch with a tablespoon of cold water to create a slurry, then add this to your hot liquid or sauce. Stir well and allow it to cook for a few minutes until it reaches the desired thickness. Remember that a little goes a long way, so start with a small amount of slurry and increase as needed.

Yogurt: A healthy alternative for thickening is yogurt. Opt for full-fat, unsweetened Greek yogurt for the best results. Similar to sour cream, you’ll need to adjust the amount used based on the thickness required for your dish.

Experiment with these thickening substitutes to find the perfect match for your recipe. By choosing the right alternative, you can achieve the desired consistency and flavor you’re looking for, even without media crema.

Properties of Selected Substitutes

When looking for a substitute for media crema, it’s essential to consider the properties of various alternatives to ensure a similar outcome in your culinary creations. Here, we’ll discuss the flavor, consistency, texture, and fat content of some popular media crema substitutes.

Heavy cream is a widely used substitute for media crema. Its rich, creamy flavor and thick consistency closely resemble that of media crema, making it an excellent choice in recipes where those attributes are important. Heavy cream’s fat content is higher, usually around 36-40%, providing a luxurious mouthfeel and velvety texture. However, it lacks the tangy flavor of media crema, so you may want to add a touch of lemon juice or vinegar when using it as a substitute.

Sour cream is another option, offering a consistency similar to that of media crema. Its tangy flavor can be an advantage in recipes requiring a little acidity. The fat content of sour cream is generally between 18-20%, making it a lighter option than heavy cream. Keep in mind that sour cream’s texture could be slightly grainy, which might affect the final result of your dish.

Crème fraîche is a French dairy product that offers a smooth texture and mild, tangy flavor. This substitute has a fat content of approximately 30%, resulting in a lighter, less heavy option compared to heavy cream. Since crème fraîche is not as thick as media crema, you may need to use a larger quantity to achieve the desired consistency.

Greek yogurt can be another alternative, with its tangy flavor and fairly thick consistency. The fat content varies, but full-fat Greek yogurt usually contains around 10% fat. As a lighter option, its texture is notably less creamy and more gelatinous compared to media crema. You may want to mix it with a small amount of heavy cream to improve its mouthfeel.

Mascarpone cheese is an Italian cheese that has a creamy, smooth texture with a slightly sweet and savory taste. Its fat content ranges from 60-75%, making it a much richer alternative to media crema. Although the flavor profile differs, its thick consistency can be ideal for recipes where you want a rich, indulgent touch.

By considering these properties, you can make an informed decision about which substitute best suits your needs and preferences. Remember, it’s always possible to adjust the flavors and textures slightly with additional ingredients to achieve the most similar result to media crema.

Health Aspects of Substitutes

When considering substitutes for media crema, it’s important to take into account the health aspects of these alternatives. Many people opt for substitutes due to dietary restrictions, personal preferences, or health concerns. There are a few notable aspects to keep in mind when making your choice.

In terms of fat content, some substitutes may be leaner than media crema, which can be a plus if you’re aiming for a healthier diet. For instance, Greek yogurt or cottage cheese contain less fat compared to media crema, making them an ideal choice for those watching their fat intake.

If you’re looking for a dairy-free alternative, there are several options available. Almond milk, coconut cream, and cashew cream are all excellent choices that can provide a creamy texture without containing lactose. These options are usually suitable for those with lactose intolerance or those following a vegan diet.

When evaluating substitutes, it’s essential to consider the presence of preservatives or added sugars. Some dairy and non-dairy alternatives may have these additives, which can affect your overall health. Whenever possible, opt for natural and organic substitutes that are free of artificial ingredients.

On the other hand, some alternatives, such as kefir or yogurt, contain natural bacteria that can be beneficial to your health. These bacteria help with the fermentation process and contribute to a healthy gut microflora, which may support a stronger immune system.

In summary, there is a wide variety of substitutes for media crema that cater to different dietary preferences and health concerns. Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of each option in relation to your own needs, keeping in mind factors such as fat content, dairy-free options, and the presence of additional ingredients like preservatives, added sugar, and beneficial bacteria.

Exceptional Cases

In some situations, you might find yourself without access to media crema, a popular Nestlé product often used in cooking and baking. Don’t worry, there are some exceptional cases where you can use alternatives without affecting the overall quality and taste of your dish.

If you’re out of Nestlé’s media crema cans, you can use heavy whipping cream as a substitute in most recipes. It is not only widely available but also refrigerated, ensuring that the cream remains fresh for longer. To use heavy whipping cream, simply replace the required amount of media crema with an equal amount of heavy whipping cream.

Another excellent alternative for media crema is sour cream. Its tangy flavor and thick consistency make it a suitable option for sauces and dressings. When using sour cream, take note that its acidity might be more pronounced than that of media crema, so you may want to adjust the recipe accordingly.

In case you don’t have either of these options in your refrigerator, full-fat yogurt can be a convenient substitute. Though it might not provide the exact consistency and richness of media crema, it can work as a healthier alternative with lower fat content.

Finally, if you’re looking for a non-dairy option, coconut cream can work wonders in various dishes. Keep in mind that using coconut cream may impart a subtle coconut flavor to your recipe, so consider this when deciding if it’s a suitable alternative for your particular dish.

Remember that while these substitutes may not be exact replicas of media crema, they will allow you to continue creating delicious dishes in circumstances where you can’t obtain the original product. Happy cooking!

Convenience of Substitutes

Finding viable substitutes for Media Crema can make your life much easier. There are several options available that can act as excellent alternatives in many different scenarios. These substitutes are versatile and can be used seamlessly in various savory dishes without compromising their taste or texture.

Using substitutes is particularly helpful when you can’t find Media Crema or simply prefer to use alternate ingredients that you already have in your kitchen. This way, you can save time and money by avoiding extra trips to the store or expensive, imported products. Furthermore, using substitutes allow you to experiment with different flavors and textures, potentially enhancing your overall cooking experience.

Generally, the most common options for substituting Media Crema include:

  • Heavy cream: Known for its rich and creamy texture, heavy cream is a popular Media Crema alternative for various dishes. It’s an excellent option for those who prefer a more indulgent taste without sacrificing consistency.
  • Sour cream: With its acidic and tangy notes, sour cream can balance the flavors of savory dishes. It works well as a garnish and can be mixed into sauces to achieve a smooth and creamy consistency.
  • Greek yogurt: High in protein and low in fat, Greek yogurt is a healthier alternative to Media Crema. It offers a similar consistency and works exceptionally well in dressings and dips.
  • Crème Fraîche: This French cousin of Media Crema is perfect for dishes that require a mild, tangy flavor. Its thick consistency makes it an ideal option for cooking and baking.

Choosing the right substitute can make all the difference in your dishes. It’s essential to consider the consistency, flavor profile, and how the substitute will react when cooked or mixed with other ingredients. By mastering the use of Media Crema substitutes, you can confidently tackle a wide array of savory dishes and deliver exceptional results every time.


In summary, media crema is a versatile ingredient that can be used in various recipes and cooking techniques. However, there are times when having a substitute for media crema is helpful for addressing different dietary needs, preferences, or simply when it’s not readily available in your pantry. By considering these alternatives, you can still create delicious dishes while staying true to the consistency and flavor profile found in media crema.

Some substitutes worth exploring include heavy cream, evaporated milk, sour cream, Greek yogurt, and even coconut cream for a dairy-free option. Each substitute brings its own unique characteristics, so it’s essential to determine which one would work best in your specific recipe. Consider factors such as fat content, flavor profile, and desired consistency. Experimenting with these different substitutes can open up new culinary possibilities and inspire creativity in your cooking.

As a confident and knowledgeable cook, don’t be afraid to make modifications or try out various substitutions to suit your taste preferences and dietary requirements. Remember, the key is to maintain the balance of flavors and consistency in your dish while still incorporating ingredients that work well together. Embrace your culinary journey and continue to explore new substitutes and ingredient combinations for a more rich and varied cooking experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What alternatives can I use for Media Crema in cooking?

You can consider several products as substitutes for Media Crema in cooking. Some of the most common alternatives include heavy cream, half-and-half, whole milk, cream cheese, or even sour cream. Each has its characteristics and will slightly alter the texture and taste of the dish, so choose the one that best matches your desired outcome.

How does Media Crema compare to heavy cream?

Media Crema is a shelf-stable Mexican cream that is less thick compared to heavy cream. While heavy cream has a higher fat content (around 36% or more), Media Crema has a lower fat content (around 20-25%). This difference in fat content results in a thicker and richer consistency for heavy cream, which makes it suitable for whipping and thickening sauces, unlike Media Crema.

Can I use Media Crema as a replacement for condensed milk?

While Media Crema and condensed milk have some similarities, such as their thick texture and versatility in cooking, they are not the same product. Media Crema is a thick cream, while condensed milk is a sweetened, concentrated milk product. As a result, Media Crema cannot directly replace condensed milk in recipes due to the lack of sweetness. However, you could try a combination of Media Crema and sugar as a substitute, adjusting the sweetness to your preference.

Is there a difference between Media Crema and sour cream?

Yes, there is a difference between Media Crema and sour cream. Media Crema is a thick, unsweetened cream, while sour cream is a fermented dairy product with a tangy flavor. The sour taste of sour cream comes from lactic acid produced by the bacteria culture used in the fermentation process. Although both products can be used in similar dishes, their taste profiles are different.

What are the ingredients of Media Crema?

Media Crema is a processed cream product, typically made from cow’s milk and ingredients that help stabilize and maintain its shelf life. The main ingredients include milk, cream, modified corn starch, sodium phosphate, and Carrageenan. Some brands may also contain added salts, flavorings, or preservatives.

How is Media Crema different from evaporated milk?

Media Crema and evaporated milk have similar uses in cooking, but they are different products. Media Crema is a thick, unsweetened cream, whereas evaporated milk is a concentrated milk product with about 60% of the water content removed. Evaporated milk has a more liquid consistency compared to Media Crema and is not as rich in taste or texture. While you can substitute one for the other in many recipes, the outcome will differ in taste and texture due to these differences.

Substitutes for Media Crema + Recipe

Here's a recipe using media crema: Creamy Chicken Enchiladas
5 from 1 vote
Print Recipe Pin Recipe
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Substitute
Cuisine American
Servings 4
Calories 279kcal


  • 2cupscookedshredded chicken
  • 1can10 oz red enchilada sauce
  • 1can7.6 oz Nestle Media Crema
  • 1cupshredded cheddar cheese
  • 8-10corn tortillas
  • 1/4cupchopped fresh cilantro


  • Preheat oven to 350°F.
  • In a medium bowl, mix together the cooked, shredded chicken, enchilada sauce, and Nestle Media Crema.
  • Spread a thin layer of the chicken mixture on the bottom of a 9x13 inch baking dish.
  • Warm the corn tortillas in the microwave for 20-30 seconds to make them pliable.
  • Spoon some of the chicken mixture onto each tortilla and roll up tightly. Place seam-side down in the baking dish.
  • Pour the remaining chicken mixture over the top of the enchiladas, and sprinkle with shredded cheddar cheese.
  • Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.
  • Remove from the oven and sprinkle with chopped cilantro before serving.


Calories: 279kcal
Keyword substitutes for Media Crema
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Cassie Marshall
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Cassie brings decades of experience to the Kitchen Community. She is a noted chef and avid gardener. Her new book "Healthy Eating Through the Garden" will be released shortly. When not writing or speaking about food and gardens Cassie can be found puttering around farmer's markets and greenhouses looking for the next great idea.
Cassie Marshall
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